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Peter Moore on the Playstation Blog:

"When we think of the sports gaming experiences we’re delivering with Sony this year, it’s very clear that our partnership and our commitment to the PlayStation platforms has never been stronger. Consider that…

* In Madden, PS3-PSP integration will enable NFL fans to build their own formations & plays from scratch. Via connectivity with the PS3, fans can perfect their plays on-the-go and download them to their PS3 anytime...

5528d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

from the link:

North America remained EA’s most lucrative territory, producing $343m of revenues.
In comparison, Europe generated $258m with Asia at $43m.

5528d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's from the link ;)

5528d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Apparently games in general tend to sell better on the Ps3.

And something tells me that EA don't really care how they get their money from each platform ;)

More money earned = is more money earned.
And more money earned = happy publishers
Happy publishers = more games
More Games = more gamers
More gamers = better sales
Better sales = more money earned
More money earned = ...(you get the point)

5528d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not to forget the Ps3 itself ;)

5528d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Total revenues

Wii - $161m
PS3 - $121m
360 - $73m

PSP - $38m
DS - $28m

Good numbers for Sony, no doubt.

5528d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Maybe this is why EA just announced two exclusive Madden tv-spots for the PS3...?

5528d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

As Syronicus said, this is actually not such an big surprise. Several companies (Ubisoft, Capcom, Namco, Konami etc.) last year also showed that they earned more on the PS3.

But it does seem a bit strange to me that the company (MS) with apparently the most consoles on the market, and which constantly states that its selling so many more games then the competition, in fact doesn't sell more games then the competition...

5528d ago 51 agree4 disagreeView comment

It is worth to notice that these tv-spots are actually some EA made together with Sony's PR-team.

5529d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

When we think of the sports gaming experiences we’re delivering with Sony this year, it’s very clear that our partnership and our commitment to the PlayStation platforms has never been stronger. Consider that…

* In Madden, PS3-PSP integration will enable NFL fans to build their own formations & plays from scratch. Via connectivity with the PS3, fans can perfect their plays on-the-go and download them to their PS3 anytime.

* In the EA SPORTS Complex on PlayStation...

5529d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And this is just in:

Elvis is in fact not dead, and is making an comeback tomorrow!

5529d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

I think we can all agree that the PS3 is doing pretty okay compared to it's closest competitor, and considering it's price.

5532d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its becoming obvious that the price don't matter as much as all the fanboys wants to believe.

If you take a look at last years sales:

# PlayStation 3: 10.77m
# Wii: 24.84m
# Xbox 360: 10.8m
# PlayStation 2: 8.88m
# NDS: 31.43m
# PSP: 15.39m

- The PS3 st...

5532d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So you basically see the open zone as a green-card for you to make absolutely no sense...?

5532d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Now what on earth are you baseing that on?

When will it stop...
When will silly fanboys like 'Funky Town_TX' stop making baseless generalizations from what five people on the internet have said?

5532d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

When will it stop...

When will silly fanboys stop making overall generalizations from what five people have said once upon a time...?

You might be part of some fanatic cult, where you all have to share the same opinion to be true xbox-gamers.

But the rest of us consider our self as individuals.

5532d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

So 23.8 million PS3 owners have combined bought 189.7 million retail and PSN games.

Thats not bad at all.

8 games per user

5532d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

When you think about it, this is the year were you can get to play:
Insomniacs big title
Sucker Punch's big title
and Naughty Dog's big title

5536d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking at this and how amazing it looks, kinda makes you sad that there are not more platform games on the HD consoles.

Looks like they really pushed their engine again again again...

5536d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I believe that Insomniac them self said that they would release around christmas.

Ah yes here we are:

Q: When Resistance 2 launched, it was a really busy release time - you said it was your fastest-selling game, but would it have been better to have waited until January?

Ryan Schneider: I think the Holiday season is still a great time to release a title - it's been hugely successful for us in Insomniac's 15-year history. If...

5536d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment